
Mrs. Heidi L. Stewart, RN, BSN, CSN Certified Registered School Nurse Donegal Intermediate School Lancaster Mennonite School-Kraybill Campus

Mrs. Suzanne Thomas, BSN, RN Health Room Assistant Donegal Intermediate School

Mrs. Jodi Wissler, BSN, RN Health Room Assistant Donegal Intermediate School

Medication Administration and Forms

Medication Administration The State of Pennsylvania has in place state laws that govern the administration, packaging and transportation of medication.

Mandated Yearly Screenings
  • Height and Weight Screening (K thru 12th)
  • Body Mass Index Screening (K thru 12th)
  • Hearing Screening (K-3, 7, 11)
  • Scoliosis Screening (6th and 7th grade)

Vision Screening (Noted below):

  • Near Vision (K-12)
  • Far Vision (K12)
  • Convex Lens (K or 1)
  • Color Vision (Before leaves 5th grade)
  • Random Dot E/Stereographic E (1 or 2)

Health Room Guidelines

8 years ago

Communication is the key to maintaining a healthy

relationship with the students and parents at Riverview

Elementary School. 

It is our goal to provide the highest quality of care for all

of our students, and in order to achieve this goal, we need

your help.


Please be sure to alert us to any medical problems or concerns that your child is currently experiencing, along with any measures that are taken to assist your child in preventing further health problems.


Sending a student HOME

Q: When does the school send students home?

A: The decision to send a student home lies heavily on a sound nursing assessment and doctor's orders. For example: If a child has a temperature of 100 degrees F or greater, the child will be sent home.

Our goal is to promote the health and wellness of the students we serve. When the student's health, wellness, or safety is compromised, they are not in a state at which learning can take place.

When a student is injured or in a state of health that requires advanced care outside of the school setting, parents will be called as soon as the student is stabilized and it is safe to leave the student's side to make a phone contact.The student's safety is paramount. When a parent can not be reached, the additional contacts listed on the emergency contact sheet will be called. If there is a serious emergency, parents and guardians will be contacted after the emergency medical system has been contacted.


Immunization Requirements

8 years ago

§ 23.81.  Purpose and scope.

 This subchapter has been promulgated to insure that school children are immunized against diseases which spread easily in schools and interrupt school life and learning for individuals and groups. This subchapter affects public, private and parochial schools, including kindergartens, special education classes, home education programs and vocational classes in this Commonwealth.


§ 23.83.  Immunization requirements.

 (a)  Required for entry. The following immunizations are required for entry into school for the first time at the kindergarten or first grade level, at public, private or parochial schools in this Commonwealth, including special education and home education programs:


   (1)  Hepatitis B. Three properly-spaced doses of hepatitis B vaccine or a history of hepatitis B immunity proved by laboratory testing.

   (2)  Diphtheria. Four or more properly-spaced doses of diphtheria toxoid, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine, in combination with tetanus toxoid or in combination with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine. One dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday.

   (3)  Tetanus. Four or more properly-spaced doses of tetanus toxoid, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine, in combination with diphtheria toxoid or in combination with diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine. One dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday.

   (4)  Poliomyelitis. Three or more properly-spaced doses of any combination of oral polio vaccine or enhanced inactivated polio vaccine.

   (5)  Measles (rubeola). Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated measles vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older, or a history of measles immunity proved by serological evidence showing antibody to measles as determined by the hemagglutination inhibition test or a comparable test. Each dose of measles vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine.

   (6)  German measles (rubella). One dose of live attenuated rubella vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older or a history of rubella immunity proved by serological evidence showing antibody to rubella determined by the hemagglutination inhibition test or any comparable test. Rubella vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine.

   (7)  Mumps. One dose of live attenuated mumps vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older or a physician diagnosis of mumps disease indicated by a written record signed by the physician or the physician's designee. Mumps vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine.

   (8)  Chickenpox (varicella). One of the following:

     (i)   One dose of varicella vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older.

     (ii)   A history of chickenpox immunity proved by laboratory testing or a written statement of history of chickenpox disease from a parent, guardian or physician.

 § 23.84.  Exemption from immunization.

 (a)  Medical exemption. Children need not be immunized if a physician or the physician's designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the child shall be immunized according to this subchapter.

 (b)  Religious exemption. Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.


Physical and Dental Exams

8 years ago

Dental Examinations - 28 PA Code 23.3(a) 

The State of Pennsylvania requires all school age

children to have periodic dental examinations, as

follows: school entry in kindergarten or grade one,

grade three, and grade seven. Transfer students,

as well as students with incomplete health records,

shall be required to have a dental examination

Physical Examinations - 28 PA Code 23.2(a)

The State of Pennsylvania requires all school age

children to have periodic physical examinations, as

follows: school entry in kindergarten or grade one,

grade six, and grade eleven. Transfer students, as

well as students with incomplete health records,

shall be required to have a physical examination.